an orange truck with a camper full of items.
a drawing of two trees in a field.

Belleville Blues Church present Hellhound Trail Blues Band

The Smokin' 116 Bistro 116 Pinnacle St, Belleville

Get ready for an unforgettable afternoon of blues! Hellhound Trail, a Kingston, Ontario quartet, has been rocking audiences since 2017 with its incredible blend of modern blues and soulful expression. Inspired by legends like Muddy ...


Vendor PopUp: SeaDuction @ Meyers Creek Brewing

Meyers Creek Brewing 60 Dundas St E, Belleville

Cold weather is hard on the skin, but we have the perfect fix! Swing by the brewery and treat yourself to some hand crafted luxurious body products by SeaDuction! Whether you have chapped lips or ...


Belleville Festival of Faith: Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

70 Harder Dr Belleville, ON K8P 5J7 70 Harder Drive, Belleville

The Belleville Festival of Faith (Jan. 19-25, 2025) is an educational, multi-faith event that showcases the diversity of local traditions and beliefs. Each day of the festival week, a different faith community hosts an hour-long ...


Belleville Festival of Faith: Eastminster United Church

432 Bridge Street East, Belleville, ON 432 Bridge Street East, Belleville

The Belleville Festival of Faith (Jan. 19-25, 2025) is an educational, multi-faith event that showcases the diversity of local traditions and beliefs. Each day of the festival week, a different faith community hosts an hour-long ...
